Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Extreme Celebrity Detox with Taoist Sex!

Cor Blimey! watching our first bit (joke over) in the series made me wonder what we were doing the rest of the time. Just to put things in proportion, sexual practices took up maybe a total of three hours of the eight days. Yes of course I understand ratings. I would have liked them to squeeze in a few more seconds of explanation tho. Especially that along with Solo Cultivation (graciously referred to in the commentary as 'advanced masturbatory techniques') the celebrities also learned about Dual Cultivation practices (advanced copulatory techniques?) to take away and practise when they got back with their partners. And Meditations like the Healing Sounds Inner Smile Microcosmic Orbit (here they are, click for yourself) and some, maybe two minutes, of the four hours a day Tai Chi fighting which all the celebrities loved and became very good at very quickly. I was truly impressed with them: I hardly had to demonstrate any Tai Chi move more than once.
Please don't think I'm unhappy with it all - the cameras captured some amazing and beautiful moments. And they played some of the soundtrack of the Taoist Tantra CD.
And I must now be one of the few men who could be recognised walking down the street naked with a sack over my head. Does that fall within the beautiful-moment definition?
Two more nights, Wednesday and Thursday, Channel 4, 11.05 pm. Be there!
oh yes, they've got a website picture of me swinging: clickit here. See ya.