October in the Tao
I thought to give you a little more information on Taoist events in October, in particular the Couples 1 training weekend, and Mantak Chia's teachings for Individuals and Couples at the end of the month.
Tantric Secrets of Love 1 If you are in a partnership and interested in ways to deepen and enhance your relationship, perhaps add a spiritual dimension without giving up any of the pleasures of the physical - in fact increasing them - and learning new techniques to spice up your encounters then why not join us? With so many opportunities for tantric practice in our New Age few seem to be taught by a Couple. I recently saw a listing for a festival of tantra with over 30 speakers, of which only 3 were teaching in partnership. Please understand, I have absolutely nothing against single individuals teaching tantra, as I did myself for many years before entering a committed relationship with my beloved Anamarta. My point here is I believe it is reassuring for couples to be taught by a couple coming from a background and with experience of practice together: living and loving in the Tao.
The basic Couples Training is a great opportunity for you and your partner to learn more about this aspect of Taoist practice. You don't need any knowledge or experience and the only pre-requisites are to come as a couple - and with an open mind. We practise only with our own partners. Anamarta and I guide you through the first steps of Taoist tantra from an overview of the different traditions (the Tao honours all ways) through the beautiful Nine Flowers massage to the Dance of Dragon and Tiger.
Many who have taken a little time to learn the Tantric Secrets of Love have discovered a pleasurable sensual practice, wonderful for enhancing relationship. You may have in mind a special person to surprise and delight, a new partner to impress, or to refresh your relationship with a long-loved friend or lover.
The weekend is from Saturday through Monday, 10th to 12th October, 10am to 5pm at our Universal Healing Tao Centre, 68 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JT. You can sign up on-line here or Learn more with a click here and the cost of the 3-day training is just £397 per couple.
Of course, not everyone is a couple! Mantak Chia's Talk and Slideshow on the evening of Friday 30th October is on his specialist subject "Supreme Inner Sexual Alchemy - Healing Love for Individuals and Couples". I love the clarity of his explanations - I've been seeing them for nigh on 20 years now and never tire of hearing those rich tones guiding us through the images of ancient practice that can do so much to enliven our modern world.
On the Saturday and Sunday he teaches "Supreme Inner Alchemy - Basic practice", transmitting the Primordial Force to help you open the Microcosmic Orbit, learn to master emotions, master your chi. My first memory of training with him is of how he takes us from fits of giggles to deep meditation- this was a pleasant surprise as I had gone with the expectation that everything would be very sombre and serious. And this year Master - now Grandmaster! - Mantak Chia is teaching throughout his visit at our London Universal Healing Tao Centre, our beautiful permanent home in the heart of London. Learn more here
The last three days of his visit is a Practitioner Certification course in Level 1 of Cosmic Healing. This I believe is a must for anyone on the energy-healing path. You learn new and different things very quickly and effectively and what you take away is a way of helping others and looking after your own self: guarding against energy-depletion or contamination. I have used the techniques on their own, to enhance my Shiatsu and Chi Nei Tsang, and as a sound introduction to Shamanic Healing.
Beginners are welcome both to the Couples Training and Mantak Chia's visit: no pre-requisites, so don't delay! You can sign up on-line for Mantak Chia here.
I should mention also, for those who have completed the first three Steps of the Taoist training, we have a Step 4 Introduction to Taoist Shamanism coming up over the four days 23rd to 26th October, Friday through Monday, 10am to 5pm.
I look forward to seeing you this month!