Friday, March 19, 2010

Springquinox News

Equinox and changing clocks, Year of the Tiger getting livelier! We have a great programme for April from Zen Shiatsu, Healing NLP and the Tao, and a preview of May. Read on for courses to make things better: enlightenment means, lighten up! who wrote that and and where was it first published?

4-day Intensive Immersion: Learn Shiatsu! From happy hobby to full-time career-change, absolute beginner to qualified practitioner, our shiatsu training offers fun and fulfillment as you learn to help others, meet new people, making new friends as you learn a caring skill - and maybe more about yourself and what a wonderful human being you are.
The Intensive Immersion (learn more here) leading to the Certificate in Practical Shiatsu, is a basic Starter-Course that takes you through the four positions and two structures, with a little bit of theory to preview more advanced training - its OK, you can just do the Starter by itself: we look after the happy hobbiers as well as the new-careerers. The Immersion runs from Friday 26th thru' Monday 29th March, 10am to 5pm. There is a FREE TALK and demonstration on Wednesday 24th March, 6.30 to 9pm - no need to book, just come on by.

NLP started as a healing therapy....people learn better control of feelings and thoughts, and a remarkable power to help others fulfil their own potential. In other words, you learn to Help Others AND to sort out your own stuff. Mastering mind, our reflective approach sounds a deep chord of appreciation as we learn to use these incredibly powerful techniques to unlock the 'secret codes' that open to the mind's potential. "Teach them to fish!"
8-Day Intensive Practitioner Training 2nd thru 9th April, 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.
... learn more here! Three places left.
(*) "BOUNCING BACK - THRIVING IN CHANGING TIMES - Kris Deva North is a featured author with Wayne Dyer, John Assaraf, Gavin Keilly, David Riklan, Brian Tracey and Gregory Scott Reid telling uplifting stories of individuals who have learned to face adversity and overcome challenges." Of course I knew my own story and reading the others I found the book so practical and inspirational that I will be giving away a free copy to every new registration on Healing NLP Practitioner and Master-Practitioner Training.

Special Yin Step 1 offers a great opportunity for women to open the door to mastery of the Foundation practices, to learn Kuan Yin Chi Kung, secrets of the Jade Egg and much more in a nurturing feminine environment with Anamarta. By opening and evolving the path of self-healing and self-mastery, you live life to the full! This is a 3-day workshop from 24th to 26th April, Saturday through Monday 10am to 5.30pm. Anamarta is giving a FREE TALK about the workshop the evening before, Friday 23rd April - 7 to 8.30pm. Learn more
Step 2 Healing Love, Greater Harmony of Yin and Yang, follows July 10th and 11th.
Step 5, Tao of the Shaman runs through the Beltane weekend, 30th April through 3rd May, based on the practices in Mantak Chia and Kris Deva North's book Taoist Shaman, due to be published by Inner Traditions Bear & Co in December. Preview the book here.
Couples Training Level 2 from 7th through 9th May is in beautiful Cumbria, in a secluded Lake District retreat centre. Bookings for this are now closed. Ready for the next Level 1 here
Click here for the full Taoist training programme 2010 -