Friday, April 15, 2005

Trance Dance

I saw a woman jump into a fire and not get burnt. She had been dancing in a trance for hours in a packed hut. The fire was blazing. She was gone, in a dream of some kind. That was in Africa and I was fifteen years old. Since then I've learned anyone can do it.
Nearly fifty years later I'm teaching fire-walking for fun. Last year kids were doing it. The grown-ups had huddled together waiting to see who would go first. It was an eight-year-old with a big proud grin on his face. The other kids, from four to fourteen, quickly followed. Eventually one or two adults stepped across the coals. My gods you should see their faces. There is nothing in this entire life-world like the overcoming of fear.
When I was a young man, a soldier, I wanted a glorious death...but not enough, clearly. It was in my thirties, on leaving the army, I realised it wasn't going to happen. Then found myself wanting a glorious life. At first it was riches and success, health and happiness. Later it became success, health and happiness. Then health and happiness. Actually, happiness is for me the best result. I have it. I live the life I designed, doing what I want to do, being where I want to be, with who I want to be with. I just had to want it enough.
What's the connection?
I think the answer is trance. I just spent a week training with Paul McKenna, learning about the power of trance. New ways of learning ancient miracles.
Life is so cool! You go into a dream and make it come true.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Adam, Eve and Apple

Adam and Eve were standing in the shade of their apple tree.
"Want a bite?"
"No, its not allowed."
"OK, so I shouldn't have picked it. But I can't put it back now, can I? So might as well eat it. You know how He hates waste."
"He said don't eat it. He never said don't pick it."
"Its picked! In my hand. Look! round, ripe, rosy, tasty, crunchy, sweet and delicious. You want I should just leave it? chuck it?"
"Just put it down by the tree. It'll rot, turn to compost, feed the tree. Like putting it back, in a way."
"There's a quicker way....."
CRUNCH. munch. mmm.
"What are you doing?"
"Putting it back. Next time I take a shit I'll do it right here. Feed the tree. Like you said."
"I will never understand you."
"No? what did you say yesterday? Another shitty day in Paradise? you want to get back to the real world? of challenges and opportunities? do your own thing without Big Daddy looking over your shoulder all the time? shaking your snake and wishing you had a few more places to put it? you got it! we're outta here. So, enjoy."
"Thanks Mum."
Be careful what you ask for. Then enjoy it.