Friday, January 30, 2009

Sign up for NLP Training and Change Lives - start with YOURS!

Change Lives - start with yours. Train as an NLP Practitioner, accredited to the Society of NLP. Here's Six Minutes on how...

NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner training in London at the Healing NLP Institute with Society of NLP Licensed Trainer Kris Deva North trained by NLP founder Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, John LaValle. Learn to
Master your own emotions and run your own mind
Gain instant confidence and motivation in a wide variety of situations
Access your unconscious learning ability at will
Use language with greater precision and elegance
Change unwanted behaviours in yourself and others
Remove unnecessary fears and phobias
Discover your true potential
Create better working and more satisfying emotional relationships
Learn more with a click here
TRAINING IN HEALING NLP counts as Continuing Professional Development for Shiatsu and other Complementary and Natural Healthcare practitioners

Politricks Rebrowned

Hee hee! They promised to abolish the House of Lords, didn't they? I bet they wish they had, instead of booting more of the good ol' boys up there into the pork-barrel to make sure of a majority (is that corrupt) or for a way of bringing on the unelectable (ethical?).
Pity really, just as the Umber one was starting to look and sound just a tad more statesmaniacal at least in comparison with the increasingly strident Camergoon. But what can one expect, with an unelected upper house that we don't pay (only attendance-money) and allow members to take jobs - consultancies, directorships etc - with companies that do. Are the noble ones supposed to remain noble, keep their snouts of the trough even?
There is a solution - export them to the Premier League, or Zimbabwe.
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox - the year to do things properly.
Ironic that the archetypal nanny state should have forgotten properly.
But they say, then, that a people gets the government it deserves, don't they.
Oh dear. (Notice the French are rioting about that)
Back to Taoism - if you don't want a law broken, don't make it in the first place.
Join here

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox

The Ox is in charge! This is the Year to 'do things properly,' perhaps start catching up on those things you always said you would do, walk your talk...maybe complete a project you began with all good intention but failed to follow through - life happens, etc. Take back control! Honour the Ox! Inspire confidence!

Taoist Training
We had a full house for the 2009 Shamanic Healing, a wonderful circle sharing mystery and magic qualifying to go on together to higher things for the greater good. Well done! The next in Twenty Ten, last weekend in January. Forward thinkers can register soon and make savings - watch this space.

Valentine's Weekend 14th thru' 16th February
Space for just one more couple to learn some special secrets of love together on our Couples Training.

Foundations Step 1 - This two-day introduction to Taoist Practice runs on Saturday and Sunday 28th February and 1st March, a real opportunity to start finding out the techniques of cheery optimism and zest for life that characterise the Taoist practitioner. Learning the Inner Smile and Healing Sounds helps cope with/demolish the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. The course is equal fun and positive value for both women and men, young and old, come out of it refreshed, relaxed, revitalised and in tune with life. What a great start!

Jade Circle, Taoist Meditation for Women starts the Year of the Ox with Liz Peart and Anamarta on Wednesday 4th February 6.30 to 8pm.

Jade Circle for Women who have done a little more than the basics and are interested in taking it further are invited to join Uta and Anamarta for a more advanced circle on Wednesday 11th February 6.30 to 8pm

Jade Arrows, Taoist practice for men with Matt Lewis on Wednesday 18th February 6.30 to 8pm.

Click for info on all the above