Politricks Rebrowned
Hee hee! They promised to abolish the House of Lords, didn't they? I bet they wish they had, instead of booting more of the good ol' boys up there into the pork-barrel to make sure of a majority (is that corrupt) or for a way of bringing on the unelectable (ethical?).
Pity really, just as the Umber one was starting to look and sound just a tad more statesmaniacal at least in comparison with the increasingly strident Camergoon. But what can one expect, with an unelected upper house that we don't pay (only attendance-money) and allow members to take jobs - consultancies, directorships etc - with companies that do. Are the noble ones supposed to remain noble, keep their snouts of the trough even?
There is a solution - export them to the Premier League, or Zimbabwe.
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox - the year to do things properly.
Ironic that the archetypal nanny state should have forgotten properly.
But they say, then, that a people gets the government it deserves, don't they.
Oh dear. (Notice the French are rioting about that)
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Pity really, just as the Umber one was starting to look and sound just a tad more statesmaniacal at least in comparison with the increasingly strident Camergoon. But what can one expect, with an unelected upper house that we don't pay (only attendance-money) and allow members to take jobs - consultancies, directorships etc - with companies that do. Are the noble ones supposed to remain noble, keep their snouts of the trough even?
There is a solution - export them to the Premier League, or Zimbabwe.
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox - the year to do things properly.
Ironic that the archetypal nanny state should have forgotten properly.
But they say, then, that a people gets the government it deserves, don't they.
Oh dear. (Notice the French are rioting about that)
Back to Taoism - if you don't want a law broken, don't make it in the first place.
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