Celebrity Taoist Sex tonight
Tonite's the night! click to see pictures of the celebs. Had lunch with my son and an interesting discussion on the subject of embarrassing fathers. Friends have been calling him to say how scary I look in the ads. All publicity is good publicity, innit?! never thought in former lives (army officer, real-estate broker, barman, chauffeur, farmer, nightclub manager.....y'know, usual run-of-the-mill stuff) of achieving notoriety like this. Headlines: EX-MINICAB DRIVER SWINGS WEIGHT FROM DICK. I hope the TV people show the bits (yeah, ha ha) explaining the benefits apart from the obvious sexual ones. Girls can do it too, using a Chinese Drilled Jade Egg. Here, click to have a look. I'm told its extreeeemely pleasurable. There's a group that meets to learn how and practice. Look. No men allowed. Shame. Anyway, enjoy Valentines and watch Channel 4 at 11.05pm.
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